1. Introduction
  2. Key Benefits

1. Introduction

This release introduces an enhancement to the email subject line in payment notifications sent to suppliers. The updated subject line will now include key payment details, providing more immediate and transparent information.

Current Behavior:
Previously, the subject line of payment emails included only basic information such as the customer name and payment amount. This limited the details suppliers could quickly reference without opening the email.

New Behavior:
The updated subject line will now incorporate the following details:

  • UTR (Unique Transaction Reference)
  • Payment Amount (with currency)
  • Customer Name
  • Payment Date

Updated Email Subject Format:
<UTR reference> - Payment of <Payment Amount with currency> received from <Customer Name> on <Payment Date>


2. Key Benefits

  • Enhanced Visibility: Suppliers can quickly reference payment details, including the transaction reference (UTR) and exact payment date, simplifying payment tracking and reconciliation.
  • Streamlined Supplier Communication: By including comprehensive details in the email subject, suppliers receive clearer and more structured information for payment tracking and follow-up.

If you need further clarification or assistance, please feel free to reach out. We aim to make payment communication more transparent and efficient with this update.