
The payment run listing page is where the details of payment runs available in the Aerchain system are listed.

Graphics and Fields Explained

The graphics and the fields are explained below.

The total number of payment runs that have been submitted.
The total number of payment runs that are still pending approval.
The number of payment runs that are rejected.
Search bar. To search for the payment voucher with its code.
The Payment Runs Settings icon.
Payments Runs Settings.
Move - To move the column.
Column Name - The name of the column.
Active - Checkbox to choose whether that column should be visible or not.
Cancel button - To cancel the changes made.
Save button - To save the changes made.
Default View: Among the available filters, choose which filter to be the default filter.
Page navigation. Use > arrow to go to the next page. Use < arrow to go to the previous page.
The unique code to this payment run.
CREATED ONThe creation date of this payment run.

The payee, the person to who money is paid or to be paid, of this payable.

AMOUNTThe total amount of this payment run.
STATUSThe status of the payment voucher. Below are the available statuses:
  • Submitted - The PV has been submitted for payment processing.
  • Pending Approval - The PV is pending for approval.
  • Rejected - The PV has been rejected.
  • Paid - The PV is marked paid.
  • Partially Paid - The PV is partially paid.
  • Pending Sync - The PV is pending sync with its integration.
  • Pending Resync - The PV is pending sync after the resync initiation.
  • Canceled - The PV has been canceled. 
  • Pending Exception Approval - The PV is pending approval on an exception.
  • Sync Failed - The sync with the integration has failed.
APPROVER(S)The approvers of this payment voucher.


Please feel free to reach out to should you have any questions or feedback.