What is a Supplier Invoice Payables Listing Page
A supplier invoice payables listing page lists the available payables in the system - The payables that are to be processed on the customer side.
Graphics and Explanation
The graphics and icons available on the supplier invoice payables listing page are listed and explained below.
Graphics / Icons | Explanation |
The Refresh button. Refreshes the page content. | |
The + Add to Cart button adds the selected payables to the payables cart. | |
The View Cart button. It opens the payables cart. | |
The total number of payables in the records. | |
The total number of outstanding payables. | |
The total number of overdue payables. | |
The total number of payables that are in progress. | |
The search bar. To search the payables with their code. | |
Page Navigation. To navigate through the available pages of the payables. Use the arrows to navigate forward or backward. | |
The add to cart button. To add a particular payable to the payables cart. | |
The Supplier Payables Settings. To make the available columns active or inactive. This determines the column visibility on the listing page. You can rearrange the columns too using the dragers available on the Move column. |
Columns Explained
The columns available on the listing page are explained below.
Column Name | Explanation |
Code | The code of the payable. |
Created By | The name of the user who created the payable. |
Reference | The reference value that is given to the payable. |
Facility | The facility this payable is associated with. |
Supplier | The supplier who is corresponding to this payable. |
Due Date | The due date of this is payable. |
Due in | The number of days remaining till the due. |
Due | The due amount. |
In Process | The amount in progress/process. |
Status | The status of the payable. The available statuses of these payables are:
Payment Type | The payable's payment type:
Reconciliation Status | The status of the reconciliation. The available reconciliation statuses:
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