What is 3-way Matching

The 3-way matching is the process of matching the below three:

  1. Purchase Order.
  2. Invoice.
  3. Inward/GRN.

The matching happens based on either of these:

  1. Quantity.
  2. Value.

The customer creates a purchase order. The supplier creates an invoice. The customer creates an inward/GRN. Now all these three documents are compared against each other to validate the accuracy of the procurement. The validation is based on either quantity or value. If the validation is successful, the 3-way match is successful. If the validation fails, it is considered a dispute. 

How to 3-way Match

Follow the below steps once the invoice and inward are created.

  1. Go to the invoice view page.
  2. Click the Process button.
  3. Expand the Item Details table.
  4. Check the checkbox of the invoice that you want to match.
  5. Click the Match button.
  6. Check the timeline.

You have successfully matched the GRN.

Please feel free to reach out to [email protected] should you have any questions or feedback.