GRN Listing Page

GRN listing page or Inward listing page is where all the available GRNs are listed page-wise. The purpose of a GRN listing page is to see the status of multiple GRNs in one place. Also, to have all the important information about GRNs displayed on a single page. This article explains the GRN listing page and its components briefly.

Graphics and Explanation

The graphics and infographics present on the GRN listing page are explained here.

The refresh button refreshes the page content.
The Yearly Trend of GRN shows the GRN trends created over the year. It also displays the total monetary value of the GRNs.
Pending Invoice Match is the number of GRNs pending to be matched with the invoice. It also displays the total value of those transactions.
The GRN Source Split provides information about the sources from which the GRNs are created.
GRN reversal gives the count of the GRNs that got reversed. Its percentage is also displayed along. 
QC reject is the count of the rejected items along with their percent.
1. All displays all the available GRNs.
2. My GRNs show all the GRNs that are created by the currently logged-in user.
CodeThe unique code of the GRN.
TypeThe type of the GRN. Types of the GRN are given:
  1. Purchase Order
  2. Rate Contract
  3. Invoice
PO CodeThe code of the PO.


It is the reference number given to this GRN by its creator.
The GRN creation date.
The supplier of this GRN.

Supplier Name

The name of the supplier along with the supplier code.


The creator or the owner of this GRN.

Approver Role(s)

The role of the approver.


The approver(s) of this GRN.


The status of this GRN.


Matched status. Below are the available match statuses:
  1. Pending
  2. Matched
  3. Partially Matched


The department corresponding to this transaction.

Please feel free to reach out to [email protected] should you have any questions or feedback.