What is a Post Auction Analysis

Once the Auction ends, you might want to analyze the bids to make the best decision. Aerchain has you covered. Aerchain has a dedicated tab called Analysis to analyze the bids post-auction. If you are aware of RFQ analysis, this is very similar. Follow below to learn all the available options in the analysis tab.

In the auction analysis tab, there are four expandable:

  1. Auction Comparison.
  2. Bid Versions.
  3. Item Level Analysis.
  4. Supplier Level Analysis.

Each is elaborated below.

Auction Comparison

Auction comparison is a process of comparing the auction bids and finding out the best bid. Let's see the available options on the Auction comparison expandable.

Fields and IconsExplanation
Feedback helps you distinguish the bids with the help of colors based on the criteria you set.
Add ScenarioCreate or bulk upload scenarios.
AwardAward quantity to the supplier of your choice.
ScenariosList of default scenarios and created scenarios.
View type
List of default and created view types.
Download Analysis
To download the analysis.
Upload AnalysisTo upload analysis to Aerchain.
Save button to save the changes made to the existing template.
Save As Template
Save As button to save as a new template.
S.NoSerial number of the product.
Product Name
The name of the product.
QuantityProduct quantity.
Base PriceThe base price of the product. The minimum price.
Target PriceTarget price of the product. The maximum price.
PriceThe price of the product.
AmountThe amount is calculated based on the below formula—quantity multiplied by price.

f(x) = {Qty} * {Price}

Payment TermsThe Payment term corresponds to this transaction.
Lead TimeThe lead time corresponds to this transaction.
Sub-TotalThe sub-total of this transaction.
Total TaxesTotal applicable taxes on this transaction.
Grand TotalThe total transaction value of this transaction.
Volume CoverageVolume coverage percent in this transaction. Percentage of the deliverable quantity to the quantity ordered.
Item CoverageItem coverage percent in this transaction. Percentage of the deliverable items to the items ordered. 

Bid Versions

Bid versions are where the bid versions are compared against the available bids.

Fields and IconsExplanation
Select Supplier (Tabular)Supplier selection for the tabular representation of the bid version.
Select Supplier (Graphical)Supplier selection for the graphics representation of the bid version.
Select Item
Allows you to select items to be represented on the graph.
S.NoThe serial number.
SupplierThe supplier name.
VersionThe version number of the bid.
IP Address
The IP address of the device from which the supplier has bided.
Items UpdatedThe number of items that are updated after the first bid.
Total AmountThe total amount of the bid.

Item Level Analysis

The item-level analysis helps you analyze based on each item in the line item.

Fields and IconsExplanation
Select ItemsDropdown to choose the item to be analyzed.
S.NoThe serial number of the item.
SupplierThe name of the supplier.
QuantityThe quantity of the product.
PriceThe price of that product.
AmountThe amount of the product considering tax.
InitialThe initial bid amount.
FinalThe final bid amount.
Lead Time (in Days)Lead time in days.
RevisionThe Revision number.
% ReductionThe percent reduction in the bid value considering the initial and final bid.

Supplier Level Analysis

The supplier-level analysis allows you to analyze on a per-supplier basis.

Fields and IconsExplanation
Select SupplierSupplier selection dropdown to select the supplier for analysis.
S.No Serial number of the product.
NameName of the product.
QuantityQuantity of the product.
PricePrice of the product.
AmountAmount of the product considering the applicable tax.
The initial values.
FinalThe final values.
Lead Time (in Days)The lead time is in days as provided by the customer.
RevisionsThe number of revisions that took. 
% ReductionThe percent of the reduction in the bid.

Please feel free to reach out to [email protected] should you have any questions or feedback.