
Once you have the rate contract, the next step is to create a purchase order. Aerchain also allows you to create an invoice directly from a Rate contract. That is called RC Invoice. This article will serve as a guide on the invoice/purchase order creation from a rate contract.

How to Navigation to RC

Follow the below steps to navigate to the RC.

  1. Log in to the Aerchain portal.
  2. Click Modules.
  3. Click Rate Contracts under Contracts.
    ✔️ The Rate Contracts listing page will be opened.
  4. Click the Code of the Rate Contract you want to convert.
    ✔️ The Rate Contract view page will be opened.


Based on the RC-Invoicing option selection, the Invoice or PO creation will be enabled.

1. If the RC-Invoicing is enabled, an Invoice can be created.
2. If RC-Invoicing is disabled, a PO can be created. 

Steps to Create an Invoice from RC

Follow the below steps to create an invoice from RC.

  1. Navigate to the Facility and Product section.
  2. Click Create from the INVOICE column.
    ✔️ The Create Invoice page opens.
  3. Upload Invoice Document.
  4. Fill in the values.
  5. Click the Submit button.
    ✔️The Approvers pop-up opens.
  6. Type and choose the approvers.
  7. Click the Submit button.

You have now successfully created the invoice from a Rate Contract.

Steps to Create a PO from RC

Follow the below steps to create a purchase order from a Rate Contract.

  1. Navigate to the Facility and Product section.
  2. Click Create from the SCHEDULE column.
    ✔️ The Create Schedule page opens.
  3. Fill in the details.
  4. Click the Submit button.
    ✔️The approver's selection overlay opens.
  5. Type and select the approvers.
  6. Click the Submit button.

You have successfully created a Purchase Order from the invoice.

Please feel free to reach out to [email protected] should you have any questions or feedback.