What are Credit/Debit Note

A credit note is issued when a supplier or a customer credits money to the opposite party (i.e., The supplier to the customer or vice versa). Debit note is the opposite. This is issued when a supplier or a customer asks for money from the opposite party. CN/DNs are mostly used to resolve disputes. To credit or debit the extra or left out amount in an existing transaction.


A credit or debit note is not the actual invoice. But a filler to the transaction.

How do you Create a CD/DN in Aerchain

Follow the below steps to create a credit or debit note on Aerchain.

  1. Log in to the Aerchain portal.
  2. Click the Modules icon.
  3. Click Invoices.
  4. Click the New button.
  5. Click Credit/Debit Note.
    ✔️The CN/DN creation page opens.
  6. Fill in the details.
  7. Choose the Credit Note/Debit Note based on the requirement.
  8. Click the Submit button.
    ✔️The Invoice Validate popup opens.
  9. Click the Submit button.

A CN/DN can be created by both the supplier and the customer portals. After creation it's processed only on the Aerchain customer portal.

Please feel free to reach out to should you have any questions or feedback.