What is a Purchase Requisition Template

The Purchase Requisition template is the preset format of the Purchase Requisition form.

Not all purchase requisitions have the same fields (i.e., Same text boxes and dropdowns). So, having multiple forms would be the solution. Also, if you can switch between forms, it'll be much easier. That is what a Purchase requisition template is. The templatization of the purchase requisition form. The option to create, edit, and delete PR templates is available on Requisition Settings under the Org Settings.

Who Can Create Purchase Requisition Templates

Users who have access to the organization settings should have access to create, edit, and modify the requisition templates.

Steps to Create a Purchase Requisition Template

Follow the below steps to create a Purchase Requisition Template.

  1. Login to the Aerchain Customer portal.
  2. Click the Org Settings Icon.
  3. Search and click Requisition Settings.
  4. Click Templates.
  5. Click the + New button.
    ✔️The new template creation form displays.
  6. Fill in the form.
  7. Click the Create button.

The fields in the form are explained below.

Field Explanation
Type in the name of the template.
The Cancel button closes the editor.
The Save button saves the form.
Available default sections. Click the triangle icon to expand each section.
Allows you to add a section.
S.NoSerial Number
FieldThe Field name
TypeThe Field type. Text, number, email, phone number, etc.
CategoryThe category under which this field falls.
OptionsIf the field that you are creating is a multi-select, provide the available options for this field. e.g. Yes, No.
Default ValueDefault Value is the value that defaults when the user does not make a selection on this field.
MandatoryChecking this check box marks this field as mandatory. The user can't skip this field.
DisabledUncheck on this column will disable the field.
Delete this field using this icon.
Field edit icon. Allows you to edit this field.
The Field edit page.
Allows you to choose an organization-level, system field.
Allows you to choose a Requisition Field.
Allows you to create a new field with custom configuration.
Name of the Field.
The Tooltip help text.
Type of this field. Number, email, rich text, etc.
PreviousThe Previous button allows you to go to the previous section.
AddThe Add button adds the field.

You have successfully created a new requisition template. You can now use your new purchase requisition template to create new requisitions.

Please feel free to reach out to [email protected] should you have any questions or feedback.