What is PCN

PCN is the abbreviation of Price Change Notification.

PCN informs the procurement team about the material's price change corresponding to a site/facility.

PCN Acknowledgement Explained

PCN acknowledgment is where the end user of the PCN acknowledges the price change. The ideal flow of the PCN is, that the PCN gets created, and it is sent for approval, once approved it is acknowledged by the PCN user.

How to Navigate to Acknowledge a PCN

Follow the below steps

  1. Login to Aerchain.
  2. Click Modules .
  3. Click PCNs under PCNs.
    ✔️The PCN listing page is presented.
  4. Click on the PCN code to open the PCN which you want to approve.
  5. Click Acknowledge.
  6. Click Yes.

Video Walkthrough

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