What is PCN

PCN is the abbreviation of Price Change Notification.

PCN informs the procurement team about the material's price change corresponding to a site/facility.

PCN Listing Page Explained

The PCN listing page lists all the PCN transactions.

How to Navigate to the PCN Listing - Raw Materials Page

Follow the below steps

  1. Login to Aerchain.
  2. Click Modules.
  3. Click PCN Line Items under PCN.
    ✔️The PCN listing page is presented.

Icons Explained

A “breadcrumb” (or “breadcrumb trail”) is a type of secondary navigation scheme that reveals the user’s location in a website or Web application.
Clear filter, upon clicking clears the search filter applied using the search bar.
Page navigation allows you to navigate between the pages.

Searchbar Explained

The search bar can be considered as a custom filter. You provide keyword(s) and get the listings altered based on that. The following are the titles with which you can search.

  1. Code.
  2. Subject.
  3. Category.
  4. Raw Code.
  5. Material Description. 
  6. Supplier Product Name.
  7. Site Label.
  8. Supplier.
  9. Inco Terms.
  10. Origin City.
  11. Origin Country.
  12. Destination City.
  13. Destination Country.


Columns Explained 

CodeThe unique code of each PCN.
SubjectSubject of the PCN.
Product category
The category of that product.
Site Label
Label given to a site.
Material Description and LabelThe description of the material and the label given to that material. 
Raw CodeMaterial code assigned to the supplier by the plant.
SupplierThe name of the supplier.
Supplier Product NameTrade name used by the supplier.
Pack SizeThe size of each pack.
Unit PriceThe price per unit.
CurrencyThe currency corresponds to the PCN.
UoMThe unit of measurement of the PCN.
Inco TermsThe Inco Terms correspond to the PCN.
Origin CityThe origin city of the PCN.
Validity Start DateThe date at which the PCN validity starts.
Validity End DateThe date at which the PCN validity ends.
Price EffectivenessTime from which the payment terms apply to the vendor.
Payment TermsThe payment terms of this PCN.
Unit Price (Ib)The price of the unit per LB.
Unit Price (kg)The price of the unit per KG.
Unit Price (st)
The price of the unit per ST.
Category ManagerThe category of this PCN.
StatusThe status of the PCN.
Created ByThe creator of this PCN.
DatePCN Creation date in the Aerchain system.


Please feel free to reach out to [email protected] should you have any questions or feedback.