What is a Master in Procurement

Good question. Please refer to this article - masters explained.

What is a Supplier Categories Master

The supplier category master has all the necessary information about a particular supplier category.

Steps to Create a Supplier Category Master

Follow the below steps to navigate to the category masters in Aerchain.

  1. Login to Aerchain.
  2. Click Modules.
  3. Click Supplier Categories under Masters.
  4. Click the + New button.
    ✓ New supplier category form opens.
  5. Fill in the values.
  6. Click Create.

Text Box Name
NameThis is the name of the supplier category that you are creating.
ReferenceYou can add a reference to this supplier category.
Is DefaultChoose whether this supplier category should be a default supplier category.
UsersYou can provide or restrict access to this category to a set of users using this option.


You can add descriptions to the supplier category.

The above fields are provided as an example. There are other feilds as well in the supplier categories master creation page.


Supplier category listing page


Supplier category creation page

Please feel free to reach out to [email protected] should you have any questions or feedback.