This article walks you through the RFQ analysis phase.


Request for quote analysis is a phase where the quotes from different suppliers are compared to choose the best quote.

Once you are inside the RFQ module, and the quotes have been submitted by the supplier, follow the below steps to perform the analysis.

Steps to Perform the RFQ Analysis

  1. Go to the RFQ you want to analyze.
  2. Click Analysis.
  3. Click the View dropdown to change the view.
    1. Default view.
    2. Best Price View.
    3. Best Price.
  4. Click the Download button to download the report.
  5. Click the Save button to save the comparison.
  6. Click the Save view type icon to save the current view type.
  7. To change the displayed columns, click the Cogwheel icon.
  8. Add or remove the fields.
  9. Click Update.

RFQ Analysis Walkthrough Video


Please feel free to reach out to [email protected] should you have any questions or feedback.