This article tries to create a comprehensive walkthrough of the auction module in Aerchain.

What is an Auction

An auction is usually a process of buying and selling goods or services by offering them up for bids, taking bids, and then selling the item to the highest bidder or buying the item from the lowest bidder.

Types of Auction Available on Aerchain

Please refer to this article, types of auctions supported by Aerchain for the auction available on Aerchain.

How to Create an Auction

As we've seen the types of auctions in detail, let's now see how to create an auction.

Follow the below steps to create an auction on the Aerchain system.

  1. Log in to the Aerchain customer portal.
  2. Click the Modules icon.
  3. Click on New Auction under Auctions.
  4. Fill in the fields.
  5. Choose the suppliers of your choice, on the supplier search bar.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. Optional: Click the Save icon to save the auction for future submissions.


Forward auction can't be converted to PO or RC.

How to Short-Close an Auction

Short closing an Auction means that you are closing the Auction before its scheduled time.

Click the Close Auction button > Yes to short-close the auction.

Fields Explained

SubjectType in the subject of the auction.
TypeChoose the type of auction from the dropdown.
Allowed CurrencyType in the allowed currency from the drop-down
FrequencyChoose the frequency of the auction from the dropdown.
Estimated Award DateSelect the estimated award date.
Payment termsChoose the payment terms from the dropdown.
ReferenceType in the reference details if available.
Billing AddressChoose the billing address available from the dropdown.
Delivery Address Type in the delivery address from the dropdown.
Cost CenterChoose a cost center from the dropdown.
CompanyChoose a company from the dropdown.
GLSelect a ledger from the dropdown.
FunctionSelect a function from the dropdown.
CompanyChoose the company from the dropdown.
DepartmentChoose the department from the dropdown.
Payment Terms and Conditions
Choose between flexible and fixed.
Auto Release auction The auction will be sent to the suppliers directly after the approvals if selected yes.
The auction will come back to the creator to manually release to the suppliers. 
User mappingsClick the check boxes of the users who can view this auction.
Bid Start TimeThe time at which the auction starts.
Bid RuntimeThe time till which the auction runs.
Runtime in minutesType in the runtime in minutes.
Auction Extention Type in the values of your choice.

Auction will be extended by X minutes, if the bid rank up to X changes in the last X minutes.

X - The values to be set by you.

Max Extensions

The maximum number of times the auction can extend.
Accept Pre-bidChoose whether the supplier can pre-bid.
Accept Tie-bidChoose whether the supplier can accept the tie-bid. (i.e. Two suppliers bidding the same value.)
Pre-bids visibilityChoose whether the buyers see the pre-bids before the auction starts.
Bid improvement conditionChoose the bid improvement condition from the dropdown.
Min Bid Change multiplesChoose Yes/No of your choice.
Supplier Market Feedback

Choose what the supplier can see:

  1. Bid Rank only
  2. Bid Rank with Lead Bid
  3. Bid Rank with All Bids
  4. Highest Or Lowest

Product NameType, search and choose the name of the product.
Item typeChoose the type of the item from the dropdown.
DescriptionType in the item description.
QtyType in the quantity of the item.
UoMChoose the unit of measurement from the dropdown.
HSNType in the HSN value of that item.
LLP/LSPType in the last purchase or sold price.
Ceiling PriceType in the maximum ceiling price.
PriceType in the price of that product.
TaxesChoose the corresponding tax from the dropdown.
AmountThe amount will be auto-populated based on price and tax.
Identified SavingsDisplays the identified savings based on the buying history.
Realized SavingsDisplays the realized savings based on the buying history.
ProjectChoose the corresponding project from the dropdown.
BudgetChoose the budget from the dropdown.
Min ImprovementThe minimum improvement is displayed.
Delete IconTo delete the row.

Please feel free to reach out to [email protected] should you have any questions or feedback.