There are some cases in organizations where transferring assets from one facility to another facility is a requirement. In cases such as technical products like laptops or workstations need to be moved from one facility to another. In Aerchain, we have developed an interface where the user can transfer assets between different facilities at ease.

Follow the below steps to transfer assets from one facility to another facility.

  1. To initiate the transfer of an Asset, you will need the asset code that needs to be pulled from the QR code by going to the Asset inventory like shown in the Asset Issue Article. (Please refer the image below)

  1. Please keep the code copied that is displayed under the QR code
  2. Go to modules > Under Assets, select Asset transfer > Click on the ‘+New’ button to initiate an Asset transfer request
  3. A form will be opened that the user needs to fill with the below mentioned details

Source Facility: Select the exact facility that the Asset is being stored that you want to transfer.

Destination Facility: Select the facility that the asset will be transferred to

Asset Code: Enter the code that we have copied from the QR code here and click on enter and the line-item will be added as shown in the image above

Notes: Add any additional information that is needed for the person transferring and approving the transfer request

  1. Click on Submit when you are satisfied with your inputs and the transfer request will go through an approval workflow if it is in place
  2. Upon approval this transfer request, the creator or the receiver will have to mark this asset as delivered or received to complete this process by marking the tick mark and by clicking on the receive button

    3. Finally, the transferred request will reflect in the Asset Inventory where this particular asset will            be shown in the facility that it has been transferred to the original facility

As explained, the overall process of transferring an asset is a three-step process of initiating a transfer request, approving the transfer request and marking the transfer request as received. Similarly, an Asset can be returned to the facility that it has been originated from.