Assets that have been issued to the employees but haven’t been utilized due to xyz reasons need to be returned into stock. This process is to mainly ensure that no asset is going unaccounted or wasted. Keeping a track and having a workflow dedicated to return assets is possible with Aerchain.

Follow the below steps to return an issued Asset to Asset Inventory.

  1. By now, it must be evident that having the Asset code is the key to anything in the Assets part of the platform
  2. Get the QR code or the Barcode of the Asset that you want to return and make sure you are getting it for the asset that issued to a person or an Asset room
  3. Go to Modules > Under Assets > Return Assets

On the Asset Returns view page, you can view all the transfers that have been initiated or received till date by your facility here. Below is a brief information on the columns that are displayed in this view page:

Code: This column contains the code assigned to the asset in the Aerchain platform

Date: The date at which this asset has been recorded in the Asset Inventory

Facility: The facility at which the asset is been stored at is displayed in this column

Returned by: The user who has initiated this return request

Status: The status of the return request will be reflected here and it has three status cards

Done: The return request has been accepted and the return has been received by the Inventory department and marked as received.

Pending Approval: This status card means that the asset return request has been submitted and the concerned stakeholder will have to approve this request

Pending: This status card reflects that

  1. Click on the ‘+New’ button towards the right top corner of the view page, and the asset return form will be opened where you need to fill in the following details

Facility: Enter the facility at which the asset is being issued to

Contact: Enter the contact that the asset has been issued to

Asset Code: Enter the QR code against this asset as shown in the above steps and press enter. If everything is correct the line-item will be added and the status will show as in-use as shown in the image below.


  1. Click on the submit button towards the bottom right screen when you are satisfied with your inputs.
  2. Depending on the defined approval workflow, the concerned stakeholders will be notified regarding their approval request. Until then, the asset status will be shown as under approval and the return status will show as pending approval
  3. Once the approval is confirmed, the asset status will change to In-stock confirming that the person it was issued to has returned that asset to the inventory.

All successful Asset returns will be reflected in the Asset Inventory view page where all these assets will be in stock. In case if you want to track any of your asset transfers you can just go to the asset transfers view page from the modules panel.

In some cases, assets such as any machinery or tech will have some breakdowns or a mandatory service scheduled that must be done. 

In Aerchain users can also maintain a maintenance contract and take the asset into maintenance or repair and keep a track of it. This can be done at a very minute level where they can also track the date at which the next service renewal is going to be.

Please read here on how to create a service request for the assets that are in-use or in-stock.