Stock falls under two types in any enterprise, Capital expenses & Operational expenses. For both type of expenses, we have two different stock management options if you want to categorize your stock. By default, all the operational goods/services purchased will be recorded in Stock Inventory and other capital expenses will be falling under the asset inventory.

Below is the process of issuing stock to Individuals from both asset inventory.

Issuing stock from Assets

Any product that is marked as a capital expense will be issued from here. All the products with the capital expense whenever Inwarded will come under pending assets and the user will have to create the asset. Follow the below steps to issue assets.

  1. Go to Modules > Pending Assets > Select the line-item and click on the ‘create asset’ button
  2. Fill in the information required in the creating asset dialogue box like explained below where most of the fields will be pre-populated

Item: The name of the product that the asset needs to be created

Pending Quantity: The number of items that have been Inwarded for this product

Quantity: Enter the number of items from the total pending quantity that you want to create the asset for

Facility: The facility in the company to which the asset is assigned to

Inward: The inward code that it was recorded against

AMC (Yes/No): Annual Maintenance contract is applicable or not. If yes, select the start date and end date for this contract and enter the renewal reminder if any

Service Reminder (Yes/No): Enter the dates that the asset will have to get serviced if it is applicable

Predefined Barcode: If you have any existing barcodes that you want to assign to the product select yes and scan the barcode

  1. Click on submit when all the necessary fields are filled in and the created assets will be reflected in asset inventory
  2. Issuing Assets: There is one important code that is required while issuing an asset, which is the asset code. There are two ways that an asset code will be generated in the Aerchain platform depending on the set-up in the company. Here we will show you how to get the asset code from the QR.
    1. Go to modules > asset inventory
    2. Select the line item that is in stock and the view page for that line-item will be displayed

  1. Click on the QR code under the QRCODE column and the asset code will be displayed like shown in the image below. Copy the code below the QR code.

  1. Now go to modules > Asset Issue > Click on the +New Button and the asset issue form will be opened. Fill in the form with the following details
    1. Facility: Select the facility that this particular asset being stored at. Please bear in mind that if any other facility is selected, then the asset will not be populated.
    2. Contact: Select the contact from the drop-down that will be responsible for this asset
    3. Asset Room: If this asset is not being assigned to a person, instead assigned to a room then enter the asset room
    4. Asset code: Enter the asset code that we have copied from the QR code here and press enter and if all the steps are followed correctly then the line-item should be added successfully as shown below.

  1. Click on submit when you are satisfied with your inputs and this asset issue request will be processed as per the approval workflow.
  2. The relevant stakeholders will be notified of the issue request and once it is approved, the status of this asset changes to ‘in-use’ in the view page and listing page like shown in the below image.

You can have complete visibility over all the issued assets by going to Modules > Asset Issues. This page will display all the assets by clicking on any one of the assets, you can reassign the assets if necessary.

Read here to know more about returning an Asset back to its Inventory

Read here to know more about Re-assigning an Asset to a different contact