In Aerchain CAPP, only the admin will have access to create new roles whenever a new member joins the company. To do so please log-in to your admin account in CAPP and go the org settings from the top right corner of the page.

  • After going there select user & roles from the menu on the left, doing so will open the list of all the current users associated with this company with their roles. Now, to add a new user click on the '+new' button.

  • On clicking the +New button a pop-up will appear like shown in the image below please fill in all the necessary details as explained below

    • Name: enter the name of the new User as mentioned in the company
    • Email: Enter the email address of the user for official communication
    • Phone: Enter the phone number of the user
    • Manager: Enter the name of the reporting manager if applicable
    • Role: Select the role that fits the function of the user such as end-user, GRN user, etc.(This will define the access points that the user can perform several action depending on the role)
    • Approval Range: Enter the maximum and minimum value that the user will be responsible and eligible for as per company policy
    • Facility: Select the facility or facilities that the user will have access to in the organization and press the blue > button to push it to the other table
    • Cost Center: Select the Cost Center(s) that the user will have access to in the organization and press the blue > button to push it to the other table.
    • Ledger: Select the ledger(s) that the user will have access to in the organization and press the blue > button to push it to the other table.
    • Department: Select the Department(s) that the user will have access to in the organization and press the blue > button to push it to the other table.
    • Default Fields: If there are any default facilities, department, ledger or CC enter here so that whenever this user is creating a transaction, these fields will populate automatically.

   Note: If this new user is an Admin level and must have access to all dimensions just select the box called admin access on top of ever field as shown in the image.

  • Now, click on create button after filling in the information
  • The user will receive an email notification to register and set a password 
  • When the user does that the status of the account changes to active in the users listing page

Read here to know about creating a role in Aerchain.