Vendors on the Aerchain portal can download the payment remittance copy whenever needed from the supplier portal by themselves. This payment advice remittance document is for vendors to have a copy of the bill for reference of internal document keeping.

Follow the below steps to download the Payment Advice/Remittance document. Refer the image below for understanding the steps to download an Payment Advice document.

  1. Go to the Invoice module (1) from the Panel on the left

  2. Select the Paid Invoice using the filter (2) accounted /paid / partially paid in status or payments column

  3. Select the Invoice that you want the Payment advice against

  4. Select the Payments tab from the three Invoice Items, Overview, Payments tabs (3)
  5. Expand the Invoice number by clicking the ‘+’ icon (5)
  6. Click on the download button under the payment advice column (5)

The Payment Advice document will be downloaded on to the system for the vendors reference.

Read here to know more about tracking multiple Invoices against one Purchase Order.

Read here to know more about tracking the inwards against an Invoice