In case, a supplier wants to track the status of a ticket against a particular Invoice that was submitted or a CN/DN. All information regarding tickets can be found under the ticket’s module from the panel towards the left.


The Ticket listing page displays the summary of Ticket information such as:

  • Search: It enables you to quickly search for specific tickets by entering the code or subject (1)
  • Date filter: This filter feature enables you to filter purchase orders by date. For this, click on the (2) Date filter. Now, select the start-date and end-date to list all purchase orders created in that range.
  • Assignee: Displays who the ticket has been assigned to  (3)
  • Created by:  The person who created the ticket. (3)
  • Code: Sequence number is assigned to every ticket when it is created (3)
  • Status: The current status of the ticket. 
    1. In-process: This ticket status indicates the ticket request is in the review process
    2. Resolved: This status indicates the issue is resolved by the customer support team
    3. Cancelled: This status indicates the ticket request is cancelled


Activity Timeline of a Ticket: 


When a ticket is selected from the listing page, an activity timeline will be displayed. This timeline contains all the updates regarding this ticket such as when it was created, what all actions have been taken to resolve or close this ticket.


Vendors can also add comments for the customers refereto provide extra information regarding their problems. Refer the below image for more information


Vendors will now have complete visibility over all the tickets they have raised and track the status of each ticket at any point in time.