In the previous article, we learned how the Aerchain system splits, converts, and creates invoices from the multi-page invoice document that is uploaded for OCR extraction. 

In this article, we will briefly explain the “Doc-Split Review” Status and types of OCR document split. 

If you have uploaded the multi-page invoice document for OCR extraction but the system is unable to find any possible invoice documents. The document-split is unsuccessful, then it will be marked as  Document-Split Review status. 

There are two types of OCR document splits i.e. Auto splitting and Manual page splitting.

Auto split - is the process of splitting the multi-page invoice document by the system instead of manually. You have an option to select auto-split to split the multi-page invoice document and generate an invoice by the system itself.

Manual Split-  There are conditions for manual split such as, If the user does not want the system to split the document by itself and wants to split the document manually before uploading it, then, the user can enable manual OCR document split. Or, if the auto-split of the document fails by the  then, it send for a manual split of the OCR document. 

How does manual split work in the Aerchain portal? 

Go to the Invoice listing page of Invoices, click on the Invoice extraction button. In the appearing pop-up window upload the multi-page invoice from your system. Now, Select ‘Yes’ in the enable manual OCR document split field as you want to split the document manually. After entering the required details, click on the Ok button. 

The Invoice Document-Split status will be marked and by default, the page will be redirected to the Invoice document split-view page. As shown below: 

Now, all the pages of the document will appear on this view page. By clicking on each page, you will be able to see the available features such as rotating page, reset, and page preview. 

Select Range: On the right side of the page, you can see Select Range. This is used to identify the invoice pages of the document that belongs to one invoice and combine them.  As shown in the below image, 1-2 pages belong to the same invoice. So, in range-1, 1-2 pages are selected and it will be sorted out in a group. In range-2, only Page-3 is selected which belongs to independent invoices, splits, and converted into separate invoices. 

So, these 3 pages invoice document splits and submit into 2 independent documents for OCR extraction.

In this way, the manual split of multi-page documents works and the respective invoices would go to the next stages of invoice processing such as OCR extraction, pending-for-approval and invoice creation.